Upcoming Events!
Who we are :
We are a group of enthusiastic gardeners of all skill levels who aim to share the love of growing food & flowers collectively within neighbourhoods around Lloydminster! Our first large scale public gardening project is the new community garden downtown on 49th Street. We will also have several raised beds around town that we will be tending throughout the summer.
Our gardens are available to everyone who wants to get their hands dirty. There are no plot rentals or individual land allocations. We are tending the gardens together. Our harvests will be shared and enjoyed as foods ripen and flowers bloom throughout the season.
You are welcome to join us anytime!
The downtown 49th Street community garden is an open and inclusive gardening space intended to give everyone an opportunity to meet their neighbours while growing food & flowers together and for each other. We believe gardens tended publicly cultivate meaningful relationships within our community and produce locally grown, tasty yields.
Our weeding/watering/harvesting schedule* is :
Sundays 7PM to 9PM
Tuesdays 6PM to 8PM
Thursdays 8AM to 10AM
*weather permitting
If you would like more information on how to get involved with our community building gardening projects, please email Amy at lloydpublicgardens@gmail.com
See you outside!
A big heartfelt THANK YOU to our generous sponsors!